Thursday, July 29, 2010

Is there a point???

Is there a meaning of life? Before we can discern what the meaning of life is, we first have to decide whether or not there even is a meaning of life. There are only two possible answers. Either there is a point to everything, or there is no point to anything. The whole universe matters or nothing matters.

If there is no purpose for the universe, then there is no purpose for the Earth or any other planet in the universe. And if there is no purpose for the Earth, then there is no purpose for you or any other creature on Earth. And if there is no purpose for you, then there is no purpose for you to eat properly.

Likewise, it only matters that you eat properly if it matters that you even exist. And you and all the other creatures on Earth only matter if the whole Earth matters. And the Earth and all of the other planets in the universe only matter if the whole universe matters.

For example, the engine in your car only matters if the car itself matters. Not only can the engine in your car matter only if the whole car matters, but the engine must matter less than the whole car. Because the car also consists of the upholstery, paint job, and other parts. The significance of the car is the sum of the significance of the parts. The car matters more than any individual part. So, the only way that your life can matter (have a purpose) is if the whole universe matters a great deal (has a very grand purpose).

If we could show that there is a purpose for the universe as a whole, then we would know that there is a purpose for every part of the universe. And the converse is true. If we could show that there is a purpose for any part of the universe, no matter how small of a part, then we would know that everything in the universe and the universe as a whole has a purpose.

So to answer the question, is there a point to your life (does your life matter), we just need to find a point to anything at all (something that matters). If anything matters, then your life matters as well.

The interesting thing is that we all sense that there is a meaning or purpose to some things. We have to be convinced otherwise. That is why we feed the hungry, educate children, take care of pets, brush our teeth, and an endless list of other actions that show we know there is a meaning to life. The reason you are reading this is because you want to see if I can confirm what you sense is true, that there is a meaning to life.

Even the people who struggle to find a meaning to life, that seem to think there may not be one, are evidence that there is a purpose to life. They are only struggling because deep inside they know there should be a meaning to life, it is just that they are having a hard time determining what it is.

Perhaps the biggest stumbling block for those who have decided there may not be a meaning of life is this -- in order for there to be a point or purpose to your life, there has to be a point or purpose to the whole universe. And in order for there to be a point or purpose to the whole universe, there has to be someone "outside the box" of the universe who had a point or purpose for everything. There had to be a creator. And they simply don't want there to be a creator.

We don't usually start by thinking that there is no point to anything, and as a result of taking it to the logical conclusion end up thinking that there cannot be a creator. We start by thinking that there is no creator, for various reasons, and as a result of taking it to the logical conclusion end up thinking that there is no point to anything.

As we have seen, the whole universe matters or nothing matters. And the whole universe only matters if there is a creator.


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